Other publications

  • Ananyeva E. One Belt One Road Versus The Eurasian Economic Union. Policy Brief for the Peace Research Centre Prague, November 2018 (full text here)
  • Ananyeva E. Caught by Surprise: Chinese Challenge for Russia in Central Asia. Rising Powers Project. 26.09.2017 (full text here)
  • Ananyeva E. Russia in the SCO: How and Why the Attitude Changed Over Time. Rising Powers Project. 23.08.2017 (full text here)
  • Ananyeva E. EU-Russia Gas Relations: Challenges and Possible Solutions. EUS VOX student initiative. 24.09.2015 (full text here)
  • Ananyeva E. Russia's Youth Speak Out About Ukraine Crisis. Beyond Violence project. 25.05.2015 (full text here)